Experience swift and instant news updates on our app. Select and explore renowned news sources seamlessly on your mobile device for rapid access.A user can choose from the following news sources:-1. Verge(https://www.theverge.com/)2. Wired(https://www.wired.com/)3. Techcrunch(https://techcrunch.com/)4. Android Authority(https://www.androidauthority.com/)5. Wall Street Journal (https://www.wsj.com/)6. 9 to 5 Mac(https://9to5mac.com/)7. BBC(https://bbc.co.uk)8. New Scientist(https://www.newscientist.com/)Disclaimer: This app is not affiliated nor related with any of the blogs and sites cited here. The content the app shows comes from publicly available api feeds and thus the app is not to be held responsible for any of the content displayed.